Steamboat Hostess

The Hostess on a Steamboat plays an important role,
greeting the passengers and keeping social events running smoothly.
Steamboat Plus wishes to honor our female members,
giving them credit for all their contributions
to the SteamboatPlus Chapter as well as to Ten-Ten International.
Because of poor Band Conditions we stopped the Hostess Program the last
quarter of 2005. But now that the new solar cycle has begun we will have a
Special Hostess for the month of May both in Europe and in the US.
The one in the US is a secret, just for fun.
Hi, my name is Marianne, DJ3LA, 10X-70617 I started ham radio listening to the QSOs of my OM DK7LA and visiting ham radio meetings with the family in several parts of Germany.
1992 I went to a course and three weeks later I was DG7LAC. Until 1995
I passed two telegraphy tests and had the calls DH8LAC and at last DJ3LA. I am mostly qrv, when my OM asks me to sit by the radio together with him. On January 16th, 1999 we founded the former Waterkant Chapter (now NewWaterkant) together with some friends, and a very short time later, in  spring 1999, I also had a 10-10 number. From time to time I am qrv on 10m, mostly on our net or some other nets. And my OM is my "manager", hi... 2003, 2005 and 2007 we visited the conventions in San Antonio, Mesa andOmaha, met a lot of very kind amateur radio hams and have some very good friends over there, now! We also drove to many very beautiful parts of stateside and canadian nature. Great places! Although you can hear me from time to time (only on 10m), my mainhobbies are patchwork/quilting, geocaching and working in my little herb garden.
Marianne    DJ3LA
May 2008